Thursday, December 15, 2011

Home Birth Craziness... & A Little Complainin'

Only two months to go. Phew. Although I don't know if I can manage that. Haven't been sleeping lately because of CONSTANT acid reflux. It's even causing a sore throat! I made the kids lunches in the middle of the night last night. My stomach is soooooooo high that I can't hunch over & stretch it in the opposite direction, which is causing some serious middle back strain. Sometimes so much that I lose my breath. It's just awesome. Can I be done now??

I must admit that I am really looking forward to my home birth experience. It gets crazier by the day. With that being said I am also a bit paranoid that I will end up in the hospital with a c-section. I say that because I know that the baby is breech. I know it's silly because there is MORE than enough time for her to turn... but I am just worried about losing the control of my own labour. For instance... if I wind up with a c-section I can't have the baby in my arms right away. I've been told that it's only minutes but I still feel that those minutes are valuable and important bonding minutes. That and it's a loss of control. I also can't deliver in the water in the hospital... and if I end up there for any reason other than a c-section I won't be able to deliver in the water. More loss of control. I say to myself that I am just going to get in the tub and say 'make me get out'. Ha. Whatcha gonna do now doctor. Anyway... every woman has their impending labour paranoia's.. these are mine.

On the up side... I mentioned that the home birth plans are developing into some kind of full out tribal ritual. Someone mentioned to me the idea of consuming your placenta after childbirth, placentophagy. Hmmmmmm... that got my hamster spinning. Every single mammal in the animal kingdom eats their placenta except the camel (and I don't know why they don't). The kangaroo doesn't even deliver the placenta but rather re-absorbes it. So why are we so quick to dispose of this very important organ? There are many benefits to consuming your placenta. It reduces the chances of post-partum depression. It helps to control bleeding. It helps the uterus return to its normal state. It is full of nutrients. So I figured... why not? There are tons of women who do this and tons of recipes for cooking your placenta. Ya... I'm not taking that route. There is a far more bearable route you can take in encapsulating your placenta.... dehydrating it and putting in gel caps, which is way more my cup of tea.

Another idea we've begun tossing around is giving the baby all the benefits of the placenta after birth. This is done by NOT cutting the umbilical cord. In the hospital everything about childbirth is so rushed. Cutting the umbilical cord happens within minutes. I asked my midwife about it & wondered at what point do we have to cut the cord? Her answer.... never. She personally doesn't clamp the cord until it has stopped pulsing, which indicates that the transfer of substances between the placenta & baby is complete. Ideally, keeping the baby attached to the placenta for at least an hour is extremely beneficial. The baby absorbs all the blood & nutrients from the placenta. Another option is called a lotus birth, where the placenta is never detached and naturally detaches itself with the umbilical cord around 3 days after birth. We've definitely got some decisions to make....

With all that being said, here's a picture of me from a couple weeks ago at 29 weeks. Could I get any bigger???

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