My kids come up with the craziest stuff. Well it's probably more cute than crazy. So I've started this page called 'The Suburban Dictionary' where I will keep up with all the words my kids use & come up with, along with their definitions, as well as the questions they ask. Like the latest question from Juliet... do cars have blood? No? Then what's in them to make them fat?

SLOW POE : (slow poke) you go really slow and you don't go fast so your class can't start & the teacher has to wait (Sam)

FAST POE (or SPEED POE): if you have someone who is really slow then there must be someone who is really fast

SEEDWEES : looks like spaghetti; it's in the water (Juliet)

DOLPHINT : It's like a whale (Juliet)

VAGENTA : The color of one of Juliet's crayons... perhaps the redish-pink color of the inner labia??

LOMSTER :  It's orange & red & looks like a lomster (Juliet)

FROGGY :  "It's very froggy outside" ...You can't see where you are going, you might crash (Sam)

TORMADO : It twists around and gets people (Juliet). It can suck up a house (Sam).

PANCAREA : (pang-ka-ree) Juliet's is broken so she needs insulin from needles (Sam)

DARK & SUNNY COLORS : All colors, according to Juliet, have a dark version & a sunny version. There is no light blue... it's sunny blue.

GLUB : Keeps your hand warm when it's snowing outside (Juliet)

ONESIÈME/TWOSIÈME etc. : The result of having bilingual parents

GUTS : Germs, boogers. As said by Juliet when she was told to put the apple back... "but my guts are all over it"

CIGARETTE : Apparently this is a bad word...  Juliet: "Mom... Sammy said cigarette"

SCOOPY DOO : Scoopy doo is just like Dallas (Juliet)

GLOBE : Sammy got some stickers that "globe" in the dark (Juliet)

WIZARD OF WUZ : The movie. "Grama, we're watching the Wizard of Wuz" (Juliet)

LARGE TROUSERS : Hockey shorts. While getting undressed after hockey "what about my large trousers?" (Sammy) "You mean your hockey shorts?" (me) What talking shorts?" (Juliet)

iPOT : "Mommy did you charge my iPot?" (Sammy)

Finders Keepers Losers Peepers : (Juliet)

LIP CHOP : A kind of lipstick for boys. You put it on your lips. (Sam)

CLAQUE DANCING : A kind of sport. You hit your feet on the floor. (Sam)

SNOOFY : The dog from Charlie Brown (Sam)

CHICKEN POPS : Little red polka dots on your body. (Juliet)

Santa break your tights c'mon : What Sam thinks the lyrics "Celebrate good times c'mon" are.

TACO FOOTBALL : It's not touch football... it's taco. (Sam)

BERRY FEET : Not wearing shoes. (Juliet)

ICEBERGS : They hang from our roof in the winter. (Sam)

CALGARIES : They're in Juliet's juice to make it good for her. (Sam)

PARADISE : "I can't move I'm paradise" (Sam)

Talking about 2 of the kids' Asian classmates... 

SAM: "Ruby is from Russia"
ME: "No, Ruby & Jojo are from China"
JULIET: "Then how do they get to school so fast?"

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