Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Cirque du Soleil Immortal World Tour Review

About a year ago (or more) I excitedly bought tickets to the Cirque du Soleil's "Michael Jackson Immortal World Tour." Last night was the show. I had anxiously been waiting for this for over a year. My husband & I are avid Cirque lovers and me being a HUGE MJ fan couldn't have brought a more spectacular event... or so I thought. I am so disappointed... I feel ripped off. Betrayed. Devastated.

The Show had such potential. First of all it's the Cirque du Soleil... need I say more? As far as I'm concerned, the most incredible performers of all time. And then there's the $60 million dollar price tag that backs the show. This should have been more than enough to blow minds. At $175+ per ticket I expected to be ooohed and aaahed for a constant 2 hours. Now I can overlook the fact that some of the light suits didn't light up... so all we could see was the faint outline of a dancer in the darkness. Or dancers out of step, slipping, or getting their shoes caught. I can't overlook a stage full of crew members trying to push the Neverland gates together in the middle of the first act. Or crew holding up wires in the middle of a fully lit stage to allow for stage components to move around. The MAIN component of the set, the huge tree in the middle of the stage, was completely omitted from the show due to the fact that it wouldn't even descend from the rafters! I wondered why it looked like the tree was supposed to be a part of the show but wasn't. In fact, numerous acts, including Thriller, were supposed to be performed ON the tree. I can't help but wonder... what else did we miss??

Of course, the acrobatics in the show were incredible. Flawless. The performance to SCREAM was by far the best of the night. The dancers were in sync to one-hundredth of a second. Incredible. The flexibility of the pole dancer & book creature was insane... a beauty to watch. The trapeze/rope act... wonderful. The rings in the dark... fascinating. As for the rest... I've seen better dancing on So You Think You Can Dance.

So... would I pay to see it again? No... but then I think yes because I think we were cheated. I've written to the Cirque via their website and can only hope that they will respond. It would be nice if they would send us to the show so that we can experience what it is truly supposed to be. Pairing together the Cirque du Soleil and the king of pop should fall NOTHING short of spectacular.

What we saw (my photos):

What we should have seen... (photos courtesy of the internet)

1 comment:

  1. That's really terrible. I feel for you - nothing short of astounding should be expected from this combo. I really, really hope they respond to your mail...
