Thursday, August 2, 2012

I'm On A Boat.

Good times. Good times indeed. We had a long overdue visit with some good friends of ours a couple of days ago. I don't think we'd seen them in 2 years or something. Crazy how that works. You don't realize how much you enjoy a couple's company until you hang out with them after so long... then it's like geez, where did the time go?

I hadn't been to their new house since they moved in 4 years ago. We planned to get together on Monday for some fun & games but I had a brilliant idea and invited us over for a sleep over Sunday night, so we could get in an afternoon of some good 'ol fashioned drinking without worrying about who had to drive home. Lucky for us the hosts agreed that it was a good idea so we didn't have to force our way in. They welcomed us.

I think I could move into their back yard shed. It even has nice french doors. If my desire to have a pool in the back yard was just an idea before our visit it is now a full blown obsession. An I've-been-staring-at-the-back-yard-planning-where-the-pool-will-go kinda obsession. Their little suburban back yard oasis is fabulous, cozy & welcoming. And their pool is too. I spent more time in their pool than I have in all the pools I've swam in this summer combined. Diving under water like a mermaid. A 32 year old friggin' mermaid.  Ummm... Seriously? Yes, seriously. It definitely brought out the kid in me.

So after a great evening of catching up, food, margaritas & wine we hit the sheets to rest up for the day ahead. They had invited us to go boating. I managed to sleep comfortably in a bed with Sofie AND Juliet while my husband shared a bed with Sam and didn't sleep a wink. Good times.

The next day we packed up ship and hit the river. The, ahem, "lovely" Ottawa river. It's a difficult jump for us St. Lawrence folk, but we pulled through. It was really quite nice believe it or not. And the water didn't even smell!! The scenery was really quite beautiful and the weather was so hot that the wind on the river was fabulous. Sofie almost immediately fell asleep...
One of two almost hour long naps she had sitting up on papa's lap. Lol. It was awesome.

It was a good 45 minutes to an hour ride to reach our destination... A nice relaxing ride & the kids tubed the entire way... both ways. There were only a few tears from Juliet & and VERY dirty looks from Sam every time Kevin hit the waves too hard. Over all they had a blast.

And then we reached our destination...

A great little spot where the water is knee deep all the way out to the middle of the river. Boats were anchored all over the place while people basked in the sun & played in the water.  Sofie went for a dip in her floaty thingy and swallowed some water that I'm sure took 5 years off her life or at the very least has set her up for numerous health problems in the future. After that I mostly sat in the tube with her & nursed. But what else is knew? I did manage to snap a few photos.
On the way back in addition to tubing we kicked it up a notch and threw in the knee board. You may have been wondering what that preview was at the beginning of this post. Well here's where it comes in. You can watch the feature film on YouTube by clicking here.

Here I thought I wouldn't set foot in the Ottawa river. Of course now my body ACHES. Not because of the water but rather I used muscles that I haven't used in months! My husband & I provided some good entertainment for our friends with it being our first time & all. I never knew how much I could lose all control of my body as it flailed around in the wake of the boat. I was certain I wasn't going to be able to pull myself onto that board, and my body was just going to bounce uncontrollably until I face planted into water... or worse yet, the board itself. It was like I was made of rubber. And there's no doubt I looked as ridiculous as I felt. But once I got up it was great. And I didn't even fall.

It was an awesome day. The more I think about it now the more I realize just how much fun I had, and just how much I enjoy the company of our friends who invited us. It might have created some unrealistic obsessions with having an in-ground pool with a heater (oh yes!) and maybe a boat (insert innocent smile here) and my husband may not let me go back for another 4 years because of that ... But it was well worth it. It had been way too long since we saw them. Thanks for the memories!

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