Sunday, September 18, 2011

Holy Weekend Batman

It's no wonder I have a headache. Although I feel like I did a lot of nothing this weekend... my body (& the back yard) say otherwise. My tolerance for my children is dwindling. It must be Sunday night.

Sam is on a bender of not listening. It's almost less tolerable then a 2 year old. A few days ago (Thursday I think) he lost his "cool computer games" privilege because he wouldn't get up in the morning & get dressed for school after numerous requests. I told him he needed 5 stickers before he could have it back... and would get a sticker every time he listened the FIRST time. He has yet to get a sticker. AND... yesterday after being sent to his room he told me he hated me (a first) and that he was going to eat candy whenever he wanted to. Apparently for a 6 year old that is a threat.

It wasn't all bad. I played in the back yard like I said I would and for the first little while the kids were a big help. We moved a HUGE pile of logs, complete with wood-eating ants, slugs, millipedes, worms and spiders. The best part was when I carried a log all the way across the yard with a palm sized spider on it, only to notice it when I put the log down and he scurried off. Awesome.

The yard turned out great and I'm hoping that this will be the last time I try to "make" something of it. It feels like a never-ending project.

It's nice & clean and I raked up all the remnants of my failed garden... wood chips & all. I just have to plant some grass seed and hope I can at least grow that.

Today was the Terry Fox Run, walk, bike, roller blade or kayak... whatever suits your fancy. I took the kids to Prescott to ride their bikes & visit the Great Granfolk. It was a beautiful day and of course we were all over dressed. I was actively looking for a monarch caterpillar the whole time. It's their time of year and if you find one and feed it milk weed leaves you can observe the miracle of transformation first hand. Lucky for my grandmother she found one a couple of weeks ago. I swear I'll be looking until Christmas. I took some nice photos on my walk and some good ones of my grandmother's caterpillar... now in chrysalis. So freaking cool. I think it's got another week or so before it goes from it's current jade with gold flecks to clear before opening up to a butterfly. Hopefully I can capture some of that on film too.

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