SLOW POE : (slow poke) you go really slow and you don't go fast so your class can't start & the teacher has to wait (Sam)
FAST POE (or SPEED POE): if you have someone who is really slow then there must be someone who is really fast
SEEDWEES : looks like spaghetti; it's in the water (Juliet)
DOLPHINT : It's like a whale (Juliet)
VAGENTA : The color of one of Juliet's crayons... perhaps the redish-pink color of the inner labia??
LOMSTER : It's orange & red & looks like a lomster (Juliet)
FROGGY : "It's very froggy outside" ...You can't see where you are going, you might crash (Sam)
TORMADO : It twists around and gets people (Juliet). It can suck up a house (Sam).
PANCAREA : (pang-ka-ree) Juliet's is broken so she needs insulin from needles (Sam)
DARK & SUNNY COLORS : All colors, according to Juliet, have a dark version & a sunny version. There is no light blue... it's sunny blue.
GLUB : Keeps your hand warm when it's snowing outside (Juliet)
ONESIÈME/TWOSIÈME etc. : The result of having bilingual parents
GUTS : Germs, boogers. As said by Juliet when she was told to put the apple back... "but my guts are all over it"
CIGARETTE : Apparently this is a bad word... Juliet: "Mom... Sammy said cigarette"
SCOOPY DOO : Scoopy doo is just like Dallas (Juliet)
GLOBE : Sammy got some stickers that "globe" in the dark (Juliet)
WIZARD OF WUZ : The movie. "Grama, we're watching the Wizard of Wuz" (Juliet)
LARGE TROUSERS : Hockey shorts. While getting undressed after hockey "what about my large trousers?" (Sammy) "You mean your hockey shorts?" (me) What talking shorts?" (Juliet)
iPOT : "Mommy did you charge my iPot?" (Sammy)
Finders Keepers Losers Peepers : (Juliet)
LIP CHOP : A kind of lipstick for boys. You put it on your lips. (Sam)
CLAQUE DANCING : A kind of sport. You hit your feet on the floor. (Sam)
SNOOFY : The dog from Charlie Brown (Sam)
CHICKEN POPS : Little red polka dots on your body. (Juliet)
Santa break your tights c'mon : What Sam thinks the lyrics "Celebrate good times c'mon" are.
TACO FOOTBALL : It's not touch football... it's taco. (Sam)
BERRY FEET : Not wearing shoes. (Juliet)
ICEBERGS : They hang from our roof in the winter. (Sam)
CALGARIES : They're in Juliet's juice to make it good for her. (Sam)
PARADISE : "I can't move I'm paradise" (Sam)
Talking about 2 of the kids' Asian classmates...
SAM: "Ruby is from Russia"
ME: "No, Ruby & Jojo are from China"
JULIET: "Then how do they get to school so fast?"
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