Wednesday, May 30, 2012

the BIG five!

So Juliet turned 5 on Monday. Can you believe it? FIVE! We celebrated with her friends on Saturday. The "pretend" birthday with her friends. Her "real" birthday is with her family. So... "if I'm going to be 5 on my birthday with my friends am I going to be six on my real birthday?" I had to explain that you can't just have a party on the actual day of your birthday if it isn't on the weekend and you have school. So now both my kids expect 2 birthdays... the pretend one & the real one. Awesome.

I tossed the idea of having a party for Juliet that involved the LEAST amount of responsibility on my part because I assumed I'd be majorly preoccupied with Lungs McGee... and I was. BUT... in the end we just had the party at home and winged it with the help of a couple of good friends. "It's mostly girls" I said... "girls aren't as crazy as boys". But they are a heck of a lot LOUDER!!! Geez. At one point I could have sworn I was at a rock concert. And the neighbours across the street were sure we had Disney Land in the back yard.  Overall I'd say we were successful. I was prepared.

The night before Juliet & I made the cupcakes. I experimented with the idea of rainbows...

Not as successful as I had hoped... but cool nonetheless.

On party day the guests were scheduled to arrive at 2pm. But that didn't stop Juliet from asking when they were coming at 8:30am... and every hour thereafter. She insisted on wearing her party dress/ball gown that she wore last year. I mean after all, she is the birthday princess.

At the party, we did a craft. I had planned to do paintings of butterflies made out of each kids footprints... but that idea was completely shot down by all 7 kids. Good job Chels. It ended up being a 5-10 minute free for all of paint & glitter.

Then they played. I'll tell ya, that tire swing was one heck of a good idea. They could have done that the entire 2 hours. But then we'd all be deaf for sure.

Much to their dismay... we had to interrupt the fun for cupcakes.

And presents...

And last but not least... the Beiber pinata.

Juliet LOVES Justin BEAVER so she personally requested it. It was a hit... no pun intended. Ha ha. The little boy at the party made sure to tell me that he DOESN'T like Justin Beiber, because his big brother says "if you like Justin Beiber you have Beiber fever"... which is apparently not what he wants. When my husband finally broke through the pinata the kids grabbed up as much loot as they could. It was chaos... but everyone was happy. Well, except Sofie who was screaming so much I couldn't take any more photos... or say bye to the guests because I was stuck upstairs trying to get her to sleep. But what else is new?


PS... Sofie did have a playmate... for the moments she wasn't crying.

Otherwise she looked like this...

Geez child... could we look any more worn out? SLEEP IS YOUR FRIEND. I promise.


  1. LOL! This post is so funny and sweet! Happy birthday to Juliet. She is so cute in her little princess dress - my heart melts. You guys are awesome parents for throwing such a nice party - I bet all those kids slept really well that night ;)

    That picture of Sophie at the end is AMAZING. So hilarious, and my heart melts again.


  2. Anonymous8/6/12 15:11

    What ugly kids...jeez. I recommend homeschool.
