Wednesday, January 18, 2012

36 Weeks & Counting...

So here we are. 36 weeks. Today I stood on the scale at the YMCA and was pleasantly surprised that it considers me lighter than my scale at home. Yay YMCA scale. 182lbs suits me fine. So... with that being said, CAN WE BE DONE YET PLEASE??!! Forget the aching muscles & weight & breathlessness & fatigue... the heartburn & acid reflux alone is enough to have my uterus removed to prevent further childbearing. I've also been accused of LOUD sleeping... similar to a highway semi so I'm told. So I've voluntarily banished myself to the basement. I'm ready for this all to be done. I have one more week to go to be allowed to continue with the home birth, and I pick up my birthing pool tomorrow. I am also looking into getting a belly cast done, if someone would just respond to my emails. Geez. Is it wrong of me to expect a response within 24 hours?? Isn't that just good customer service?? Hopefully it'll all come together in time. In the meantime.. here's my belly.

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