Not only has today been some kind of record breaking blog-a-lot but the week in general has been quite hectic. Well at least for a pregnant lady. Before I get on with it just a quick reminder that Mom, this is the post that you are NOT supposed to look at until AFTER the 26th...
Friday, December 23, 2011
Christmas Concerts
Yesterday was the annual Christmas concert at the kids school. It's always a bit difficult to sit through given that some classes go on and on and on with their acts. There really should be a 2 minute maximum or something. Just sayin'. I brought the video camera because it's always worth a good laugh. This year the laugh's on my husband though. Juliet was up first and I handed off the camera to him so that I wouldn't screw it up....
Awesome. Jackass. And in night vision too.
He was successful in getting Sam's performance, although I did a back-up recording on my phone just in case. Beware the enthusiasm.
Awesome. Jackass. And in night vision too.
He was successful in getting Sam's performance, although I did a back-up recording on my phone just in case. Beware the enthusiasm.
Belated Halloween
I only just got my hands on a photo of my husband & I from Halloween. It's such a horrible photo of me that I probably wouldn't normally post it but it's too funny not to post, even 2 days before Christmas. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum. We won best couple costume... no doubt because my husband was impossible to look at without laughing. The real deal was a lot more funny than the photo... but at least you get an idea.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Home Birth Craziness... & A Little Complainin'
Only two months to go. Phew. Although I don't know if I can manage that. Haven't been sleeping lately because of CONSTANT acid reflux. It's even causing a sore throat! I made the kids lunches in the middle of the night last night. My stomach is soooooooo high that I can't hunch over & stretch it in the opposite direction, which is causing some serious middle back strain. Sometimes so much that I lose my breath. It's just awesome. Can I be done now??
I must admit that I am really looking forward to my home birth experience. It gets crazier by the day. With that being said I am also a bit paranoid that I will end up in the hospital with a c-section. I say that because I know that the baby is breech. I know it's silly because there is MORE than enough time for her to turn... but I am just worried about losing the control of my own labour. For instance... if I wind up with a c-section I can't have the baby in my arms right away. I've been told that it's only minutes but I still feel that those minutes are valuable and important bonding minutes. That and it's a loss of control. I also can't deliver in the water in the hospital... and if I end up there for any reason other than a c-section I won't be able to deliver in the water. More loss of control. I say to myself that I am just going to get in the tub and say 'make me get out'. Ha. Whatcha gonna do now doctor. Anyway... every woman has their impending labour paranoia's.. these are mine.
On the up side... I mentioned that the home birth plans are developing into some kind of full out tribal ritual. Someone mentioned to me the idea of consuming your placenta after childbirth, placentophagy. Hmmmmmm... that got my hamster spinning. Every single mammal in the animal kingdom eats their placenta except the camel (and I don't know why they don't). The kangaroo doesn't even deliver the placenta but rather re-absorbes it. So why are we so quick to dispose of this very important organ? There are many benefits to consuming your placenta. It reduces the chances of post-partum depression. It helps to control bleeding. It helps the uterus return to its normal state. It is full of nutrients. So I figured... why not? There are tons of women who do this and tons of recipes for cooking your placenta. Ya... I'm not taking that route. There is a far more bearable route you can take in encapsulating your placenta.... dehydrating it and putting in gel caps, which is way more my cup of tea.
Another idea we've begun tossing around is giving the baby all the benefits of the placenta after birth. This is done by NOT cutting the umbilical cord. In the hospital everything about childbirth is so rushed. Cutting the umbilical cord happens within minutes. I asked my midwife about it & wondered at what point do we have to cut the cord? Her answer.... never. She personally doesn't clamp the cord until it has stopped pulsing, which indicates that the transfer of substances between the placenta & baby is complete. Ideally, keeping the baby attached to the placenta for at least an hour is extremely beneficial. The baby absorbs all the blood & nutrients from the placenta. Another option is called a lotus birth, where the placenta is never detached and naturally detaches itself with the umbilical cord around 3 days after birth. We've definitely got some decisions to make....
With all that being said, here's a picture of me from a couple weeks ago at 29 weeks. Could I get any bigger???
I must admit that I am really looking forward to my home birth experience. It gets crazier by the day. With that being said I am also a bit paranoid that I will end up in the hospital with a c-section. I say that because I know that the baby is breech. I know it's silly because there is MORE than enough time for her to turn... but I am just worried about losing the control of my own labour. For instance... if I wind up with a c-section I can't have the baby in my arms right away. I've been told that it's only minutes but I still feel that those minutes are valuable and important bonding minutes. That and it's a loss of control. I also can't deliver in the water in the hospital... and if I end up there for any reason other than a c-section I won't be able to deliver in the water. More loss of control. I say to myself that I am just going to get in the tub and say 'make me get out'. Ha. Whatcha gonna do now doctor. Anyway... every woman has their impending labour paranoia's.. these are mine.
On the up side... I mentioned that the home birth plans are developing into some kind of full out tribal ritual. Someone mentioned to me the idea of consuming your placenta after childbirth, placentophagy. Hmmmmmm... that got my hamster spinning. Every single mammal in the animal kingdom eats their placenta except the camel (and I don't know why they don't). The kangaroo doesn't even deliver the placenta but rather re-absorbes it. So why are we so quick to dispose of this very important organ? There are many benefits to consuming your placenta. It reduces the chances of post-partum depression. It helps to control bleeding. It helps the uterus return to its normal state. It is full of nutrients. So I figured... why not? There are tons of women who do this and tons of recipes for cooking your placenta. Ya... I'm not taking that route. There is a far more bearable route you can take in encapsulating your placenta.... dehydrating it and putting in gel caps, which is way more my cup of tea.
Another idea we've begun tossing around is giving the baby all the benefits of the placenta after birth. This is done by NOT cutting the umbilical cord. In the hospital everything about childbirth is so rushed. Cutting the umbilical cord happens within minutes. I asked my midwife about it & wondered at what point do we have to cut the cord? Her answer.... never. She personally doesn't clamp the cord until it has stopped pulsing, which indicates that the transfer of substances between the placenta & baby is complete. Ideally, keeping the baby attached to the placenta for at least an hour is extremely beneficial. The baby absorbs all the blood & nutrients from the placenta. Another option is called a lotus birth, where the placenta is never detached and naturally detaches itself with the umbilical cord around 3 days after birth. We've definitely got some decisions to make....
With all that being said, here's a picture of me from a couple weeks ago at 29 weeks. Could I get any bigger???
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
I Am Number Four.
Click on the video to watch... click again to watch it on youtube in a bigger format. Click HERE if neither of those work.
Too cute.
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Nutcracker
In the spirit of Christmas tradition we (the kids & I) attended the Pennsylvania Ballet's performance of George Balanchine's Nutcracker at the NAC yesterday. In the spirit of Christmas tradition 2012 I will be attending the ballet ALONE. Both of my adorable children just couldn't sit still. Forget ants in their pants... they must have had beetles in there. Perhaps it is because I am pregnant and EVERYTHING is less tolerable. Pregnancy, especially at 29-30 weeks, puts a damper on even the most exciting of things.
Sam was jittery even before it started. "I've never seen a Nutcracker show before. I am so excited so that's why I can't sit still". Of course 10 minutes into the show that excitement waned and he was asking about the intermission. And at 15 minutes. And 25. Juliet was equally bouncy and I found that surprising. Last year she sat through the entire performance and barely moved. I guess I was expecting the same this year.
The constant questions are normal. Excessive, but normal. "Do all those kids have moms & dads?" ... "Is that real snow? Is it sparkles?" ... "Will the rats come off the stage?" In between questioning when the "break" was... there was a question for everything.
The ballet itself was AMAZING. I loved it. The Pennsylvania Ballet's art director, set & costume designers were fabulous. The sets & props & costumes were gorgeous and all meshed together effortlessly. The colors were perfect. The Nutckacker himself & the rats were fantastic. Mother Ginger... amazing. And to top it all off a large number of children were cast in the show. It was one of the greatest interpretations of the ballet I've seen. Way more kid friendly then last year's Russian rendition. I've gathered some photos from online as I couldn't take any myself, to show off some of the talent. Most of these photos are credited to Alexander Iziliaev and I found them on the ballet's website.
One thing I love about the Nutcracker is that every ballet company presents it differently. They all have their own artistic take on the Christmas classic. Like I said... last year there was a Russian twist to the entire show, while this year was way more candyland. I can't wait to see it again next year... kids or no kids.
Sam was jittery even before it started. "I've never seen a Nutcracker show before. I am so excited so that's why I can't sit still". Of course 10 minutes into the show that excitement waned and he was asking about the intermission. And at 15 minutes. And 25. Juliet was equally bouncy and I found that surprising. Last year she sat through the entire performance and barely moved. I guess I was expecting the same this year.
The constant questions are normal. Excessive, but normal. "Do all those kids have moms & dads?" ... "Is that real snow? Is it sparkles?" ... "Will the rats come off the stage?" In between questioning when the "break" was... there was a question for everything.
The ballet itself was AMAZING. I loved it. The Pennsylvania Ballet's art director, set & costume designers were fabulous. The sets & props & costumes were gorgeous and all meshed together effortlessly. The colors were perfect. The Nutckacker himself & the rats were fantastic. Mother Ginger... amazing. And to top it all off a large number of children were cast in the show. It was one of the greatest interpretations of the ballet I've seen. Way more kid friendly then last year's Russian rendition. I've gathered some photos from online as I couldn't take any myself, to show off some of the talent. Most of these photos are credited to Alexander Iziliaev and I found them on the ballet's website.
One thing I love about the Nutcracker is that every ballet company presents it differently. They all have their own artistic take on the Christmas classic. Like I said... last year there was a Russian twist to the entire show, while this year was way more candyland. I can't wait to see it again next year... kids or no kids.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Cheer On!
The Christmas cheer continues. Last weekend was the Brockville Santa Claus parade so we hit the curb to take it all in. Usually we spend American Thanksgiving in Baltimore but this year we didn't go so it was our first ever Brockville parade. While it's all fun & festive to be out & celebrating the holiday cheer I must admit that daytime parades are rather lame. Without the darkness to illuminate the floats they just look like vehicles covered in wiring. Not all that impressive. Then you have the historical figures riding Segways...
It was all fun nonetheless and we got another glimpse of the man in red. Woohoo.
So I think I mentioned we got our tree last weekend & decorated it. The kids still love it and so I don't think we will be getting a bigger one... although Juliet has agreed to this on the account that we get a big one next year. I wrapped some presents and put them under the tree without any names on them and have forbid the kids to even touch them. It was an experiment... and it's actually turned out better than I expected. They actually haven't touched them but they have shed a couple tears and asked a few times if they could open them now.... it's like if they ask every day one day I will say yes. They've got 22 more days before that happens.
I let them open a gift from my grandmother... because if I remember correctly she had said "this is for when you decorate your tree". I just wasn't sure if she meant that it was actually for decorating the tree... or to go under it once it's decorated. I took the chance that she meant the former & we each opened her gifts. I was right. She gave me some awesome vintage ornaments. They make an excellent addition to an already excellent tree/plant. Lol. Cheer on!
It was all fun nonetheless and we got another glimpse of the man in red. Woohoo.
So I think I mentioned we got our tree last weekend & decorated it. The kids still love it and so I don't think we will be getting a bigger one... although Juliet has agreed to this on the account that we get a big one next year. I wrapped some presents and put them under the tree without any names on them and have forbid the kids to even touch them. It was an experiment... and it's actually turned out better than I expected. They actually haven't touched them but they have shed a couple tears and asked a few times if they could open them now.... it's like if they ask every day one day I will say yes. They've got 22 more days before that happens.
I let them open a gift from my grandmother... because if I remember correctly she had said "this is for when you decorate your tree". I just wasn't sure if she meant that it was actually for decorating the tree... or to go under it once it's decorated. I took the chance that she meant the former & we each opened her gifts. I was right. She gave me some awesome vintage ornaments. They make an excellent addition to an already excellent tree/plant. Lol. Cheer on!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Hello December!
So were your kids as excited as mine to open the very first door of their very first advent calendar? Geez. I gave it to them on Monday and everyday this week they have been "reminding" me that they can only open it on Jeudi. But their idea of a reminder is more like a question just to make sure that they can't open it earlier. They eagerly searched for the first door so that they'd be ready for this morning.
They are so funny. They never cease to amaze me. Listening to their conversations... answering their questions. Juliet comes up with the craziest, but intelligent ideas...
"Mommy... what would happen if there was no more air?"
"Mommy... what would happen if there were no more trees?"
"Mommy... do people come from outer space?"
"Can children be astronauts or just grown ups?"
During an episode of House Hunters when 2 gay men were looking for a house.. "Mommy, are those men neighbours?" ... which led to my explanation of how sometimes boys love boys & girls love girls.
"Mommy... how does the baby eat in your tummy?"
In the very busy public bathroom at the Y... "Mommy... why do your underwear go up your butt?"
That's the last time I go to the bathroom at the same time as my kids... who knows what other questions they'll come up with.
Happy December!
So were your kids as excited as mine to open the very first door of their very first advent calendar? Geez. I gave it to them on Monday and everyday this week they have been "reminding" me that they can only open it on Jeudi. But their idea of a reminder is more like a question just to make sure that they can't open it earlier. They eagerly searched for the first door so that they'd be ready for this morning.
They are so funny. They never cease to amaze me. Listening to their conversations... answering their questions. Juliet comes up with the craziest, but intelligent ideas...
"Mommy... what would happen if there was no more air?"
"Mommy... what would happen if there were no more trees?"
"Mommy... do people come from outer space?"
"Can children be astronauts or just grown ups?"
During an episode of House Hunters when 2 gay men were looking for a house.. "Mommy, are those men neighbours?" ... which led to my explanation of how sometimes boys love boys & girls love girls.
"Mommy... how does the baby eat in your tummy?"
In the very busy public bathroom at the Y... "Mommy... why do your underwear go up your butt?"
That's the last time I go to the bathroom at the same time as my kids... who knows what other questions they'll come up with.
Happy December!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
We've picked up a few family traditions over the years. The Nutcracker ballet, the Trans Siberian Orchestra... the Nutcracker... okay maybe we've only got 2 but it's a start. Oh wait... the Prescott Santa Claus parade makes 3. And I've always wanted to make venturing into the woods to cut down our own Christmas tree a family tradition so eventually we'll have 4. This year I couldn't help but buy a tropical indoor evergreen tree from Canadian Tire that we decorated on the weekend. It's small but it's cool. It'll definitely do the job.... and the kids even like it. We still might go traipsing through the forest in search of a bigger tree... or stop on the side of some deserted country road and hack one down. We'll just have to see. It's still only November.
Last week was the Trans Siberian Orchestra. This marks our third year going and by next year I should know the whole story by heart because the show never changes. It's still worth it. Besides putting on an AMAZING show worth more than the $60 price tag... we've found joy in bringing someone different with us every year and watching their reaction. It's not everyday you experience rock opera.
This year was great although I do feel they rocked it a little better last year. I can't imagine what goes in to a production like the TSO and have them charge only $60. Any celebrity show... Madonna, Britney Spears, Rolling Stones, can't possibly cost as much yet their tickets are 6 times the price. Greedy celebrities. "I love my fans" my ass. I love you now pay $350+ to come see my show. Nonsense.
Every year at the show there is someone in the audience to make us laugh. The TSO also does a fine job of that themselves. It's really quite funny to see them with their long hair.. rocking out to Beethoven's Fifth. It's great... but funny. They remind me of rock stars that just couldn't make the cut for a band like Def Leopard or White Snake or something and attain that celebrity status. So besides their hilarious, genuine rock antics there is also some fan putting on an embarrassing, genuine show of their own. Last year there were 2 teenagers right in front of us head-banging to every song. This year it was a grown man who rocked his air guitar the ENTIRE show.
Rock on.
Every year at the show there is someone in the audience to make us laugh. The TSO also does a fine job of that themselves. It's really quite funny to see them with their long hair.. rocking out to Beethoven's Fifth. It's great... but funny. They remind me of rock stars that just couldn't make the cut for a band like Def Leopard or White Snake or something and attain that celebrity status. So besides their hilarious, genuine rock antics there is also some fan putting on an embarrassing, genuine show of their own. Last year there were 2 teenagers right in front of us head-banging to every song. This year it was a grown man who rocked his air guitar the ENTIRE show.
Rock on.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Christmas is a comin'
The day after Halloween I told the kids that they can expect to see Christmas lights any time now. People are crazy. And what our neighbourhood lacks in Halloween spirit they more than make up for in Christmas cheer. Sure enough... TWO DAYS after Halloween while driving home from swimming lessons we saw someone hanging Christmas lights.. all lit up & ready to rock. "CHRISTMAS LIGHTS!!" Who knew they could be so exciting?
Friday, November 11, 2011
Home Birth 101
So I'm starting to prepare the kids for what to expect when the baby comes. My midwife suggested that I give the kids the option to stay for the birth, all the while making sure that there is someone to take care of them if they choose to leave. No problem. When I asked them what they'd like to do they both agreed that they would like to stay. So... the next step was to show them videos of home water births (of which there are plenty on Youtube) so that they know what to expect.
I decided a couple of weeks ago that it would be a good time to show them a video. I searched on Youtube and found plenty of examples that I screened first for appropriateness. In the first one I watched the woman gave birth with a bit of moaning & groaning. I was like... seriously? I need a video of a woman moaning & screaming through childbirth not having an orgasm.
We sat down to watch a video, both kids excited. I pressed play and watched my kids take it all in. It wasn't a bad video... just realistic. They were both fully aware of where the baby 'comes out' so I knew there wouldn't be any questions about that. I told them that I would probably be making the same sort of sounds and that even though it hurts mommy it's okay... it's nothing to worry about. They seemed okay with that... but Sam quickly changed his mind about staying for the birth and asked "Can I go to Patrick's house?" Juliet's reaction, "I don't want to grow up".
It was a good start. I sort of figured that Sam would be un-interested in participating and that Juliet would be front & centre. Sam would rather be playing Wii. I've said before that as long as the Wii is on... I could be right beside him having the baby and he wouldn't even notice. If he want's to go to his buddy's house... that's fine with me.
I see my midwife in a couple of days. It's a PD day at school so the kids will be coming with me. I told them that they were going to get to meet the lady who will help me deliver the baby. "To who?" Sam asks. I guess 'deliver' is too literal a word for a 6 year old. I explained what I meant and he reiterated that he was going to Patrick's house. I asked Juliet if she was going to stay and help the lady 'catch' the baby. "Does she need help from little girls?" She asked. Of course she does.
So far so good. As it gets closer we'll talk more about it but I think it's going to be a great experience for all of us. I've asked my friend Ashley to come... or rather she asked me. My mom will probably be in town and I've asked my sister if she wanted to be here, so there will be no shortage of people to help with the kids. I'm really looking forward to it, as crazy as that seems.
I decided a couple of weeks ago that it would be a good time to show them a video. I searched on Youtube and found plenty of examples that I screened first for appropriateness. In the first one I watched the woman gave birth with a bit of moaning & groaning. I was like... seriously? I need a video of a woman moaning & screaming through childbirth not having an orgasm.
We sat down to watch a video, both kids excited. I pressed play and watched my kids take it all in. It wasn't a bad video... just realistic. They were both fully aware of where the baby 'comes out' so I knew there wouldn't be any questions about that. I told them that I would probably be making the same sort of sounds and that even though it hurts mommy it's okay... it's nothing to worry about. They seemed okay with that... but Sam quickly changed his mind about staying for the birth and asked "Can I go to Patrick's house?" Juliet's reaction, "I don't want to grow up".
It was a good start. I sort of figured that Sam would be un-interested in participating and that Juliet would be front & centre. Sam would rather be playing Wii. I've said before that as long as the Wii is on... I could be right beside him having the baby and he wouldn't even notice. If he want's to go to his buddy's house... that's fine with me.
I see my midwife in a couple of days. It's a PD day at school so the kids will be coming with me. I told them that they were going to get to meet the lady who will help me deliver the baby. "To who?" Sam asks. I guess 'deliver' is too literal a word for a 6 year old. I explained what I meant and he reiterated that he was going to Patrick's house. I asked Juliet if she was going to stay and help the lady 'catch' the baby. "Does she need help from little girls?" She asked. Of course she does.
So far so good. As it gets closer we'll talk more about it but I think it's going to be a great experience for all of us. I've asked my friend Ashley to come... or rather she asked me. My mom will probably be in town and I've asked my sister if she wanted to be here, so there will be no shortage of people to help with the kids. I'm really looking forward to it, as crazy as that seems.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
insert appropriate title here because I have nothing nice to say...
I couldn't think of an appropriate title for this post because the subject matter only makes me think inappropriately. You never think it'll happen to your children. You never think it'll happen to you. You spend years watching other children & families suffer through it and pray it doesn't happen to you. Phew... another day unscathed. Not this time. This time we got hit and we got hit bad. This time we are the family suffering through the ordeal. This time.... we have lice.
I noticed that Juliet was itching her head a few days ago... Friday or Saturday. I didn't react to it.. because who wants to admit to themselves that it might be lice? But I did take note of it and thought it stood out as abnormal. The next day... I noticed that I too was itching my head unusually. Still... no reaction. Finally on Sunday night after a dip in the hot tub I recalled the itching and decided that while getting Juliet ready for bed I might as well check her head. F*$%. Saying that she had lice is an understatement. She had a frickin' colony. An infestation. She didn't have lice in her hair, she had hair in her lice.
You never really know what to do in this situation. My husband & Sam were still in the hut tub so I went & told them to get out because we had some work to do. Then I turned to the internet for answers. Of course I knew that I had to go by lice shampoo, but turning to Google is just a normal reaction. And a hopeless one at that. There really isn't much info. I mean there are home remedies, holistic remedies, toxic remedies & organic remedies but it all comes down to the same thing... the same answer that you DON'T want to hear. Treat with lice shampoo to kill the lice, but nothing kills the eggs. No matter what you do, hours of "nit" picking lie in your near future.
We decided that the first thing to do would be to check everyone's head, get some lice shampoo & strip the bedrooms of linen, clothes, stuffed animals etc. My husband's head is shaved bald so he was no worry, but we discovered a couple of lice in BOTH mine & Sam's hair. Awesome. So off my husband went to the pharmacy while I gathered anything that could possibly be infected and brought it down to the laundry room for loads & loads of laundry and dryer time for anything that can't be washed. Luckily, lice cannot live off the human head for longer than 24 hours and any egg needs to feed immediately upon hatching. So I declared the basement off limits for a few days to make sure that anything that might have fallen off a head would die off in a few days and then I could go clean the whole room without worry. I didn't want to have to worry about the basement when I had the entire upstairs & main floor to deal with.
When my husband came home we decided that Juliet needed treatment first because she was the lord of the lice. Then we'd treat Sam & just shave his head... and then I'd treat myself last. Lucky for us my good friend Ashley came over to help. Thanks Ash. We treated Juliet and sat down to start the fun while my husband took care of Sam's treatment. Ridiculousness.
The amount of lice & nits (eggs) coming out of Juliet's hair was astonishing. Ashley had never seen anything like it even after suffering through the same ordeal with her own boys. Juliet's shoulder length hair was no help. We spent over an hour combing her hair until bedtime was 3 hours ago and Juliet just couldn't go on. And while shaving Sam's head was the way to go, I have to admit that when he came back downstairs I had to leave the room so that he wouldn't see me cry. He looked like a boy who was just released from a concentration camp... and it just broke my heart. My beautiful Sam, (although still beautiful)... looked horrible (way more so than in this pic). I couldn't handle it, and I didn't want him to know that. I was so upset that we had to do that because of these f*%!ING bugs!!!!!
Sam could care less. He likes his hair... or so he says. And obviously I never let on that I didn't. After returning to school today for the first time he came home & told me that his teacher & all his friends were stunned... and of you ask him he'll tell you that all his friends like his hair (phew). But to make matters worse (for me), he said that one girl on his bus said "yuck". Although it didn't phase him, it was very hard for me to hear.
As for poor Juliet... well I've spent at least 4 hours of each day under intense light picking nits out of her hair. A couple of hours or so first thing in the morning & another couple of hours before bed.
As of yesterday I was still finding live ones amongst the many, many nits so she had another treatment last night before bed. Although I've picked 20+ nits out today I haven't found any live ones so I think it's safe to say they are all dead. But until all the nits are gone we're not in the clear. All it takes is one missed nit to hatch & lay more eggs.
I seem to be in the clear though. Although we did find 3 lice in my hair the first night... there doesn't seem to be any trace of anything else. No lice, no nits. Thank god. So why is my head still itchy??!
As for the rest... I have done at least 20 loads of laundry in the past 48 hours (& counting). The upstairs has been stripped of anything that may carry lice that are just waiting to jump back onto a head for a snack. Vacuuming has been done. The kids linens are stripped everyday and re-washed along with all clothing & towels that we use. All stuffed animals & throw pillows have spent at least an hour in the dryer. It's not done yet but it's been 2 full days now and I think I can actually say we've got it under control. I can only hope that this means the end is in sight. If not... kill me. Or give me a cold sore... I'll trade lice for that.
I noticed that Juliet was itching her head a few days ago... Friday or Saturday. I didn't react to it.. because who wants to admit to themselves that it might be lice? But I did take note of it and thought it stood out as abnormal. The next day... I noticed that I too was itching my head unusually. Still... no reaction. Finally on Sunday night after a dip in the hot tub I recalled the itching and decided that while getting Juliet ready for bed I might as well check her head. F*$%. Saying that she had lice is an understatement. She had a frickin' colony. An infestation. She didn't have lice in her hair, she had hair in her lice.
You never really know what to do in this situation. My husband & Sam were still in the hut tub so I went & told them to get out because we had some work to do. Then I turned to the internet for answers. Of course I knew that I had to go by lice shampoo, but turning to Google is just a normal reaction. And a hopeless one at that. There really isn't much info. I mean there are home remedies, holistic remedies, toxic remedies & organic remedies but it all comes down to the same thing... the same answer that you DON'T want to hear. Treat with lice shampoo to kill the lice, but nothing kills the eggs. No matter what you do, hours of "nit" picking lie in your near future.
We decided that the first thing to do would be to check everyone's head, get some lice shampoo & strip the bedrooms of linen, clothes, stuffed animals etc. My husband's head is shaved bald so he was no worry, but we discovered a couple of lice in BOTH mine & Sam's hair. Awesome. So off my husband went to the pharmacy while I gathered anything that could possibly be infected and brought it down to the laundry room for loads & loads of laundry and dryer time for anything that can't be washed. Luckily, lice cannot live off the human head for longer than 24 hours and any egg needs to feed immediately upon hatching. So I declared the basement off limits for a few days to make sure that anything that might have fallen off a head would die off in a few days and then I could go clean the whole room without worry. I didn't want to have to worry about the basement when I had the entire upstairs & main floor to deal with.
When my husband came home we decided that Juliet needed treatment first because she was the lord of the lice. Then we'd treat Sam & just shave his head... and then I'd treat myself last. Lucky for us my good friend Ashley came over to help. Thanks Ash. We treated Juliet and sat down to start the fun while my husband took care of Sam's treatment. Ridiculousness.
The amount of lice & nits (eggs) coming out of Juliet's hair was astonishing. Ashley had never seen anything like it even after suffering through the same ordeal with her own boys. Juliet's shoulder length hair was no help. We spent over an hour combing her hair until bedtime was 3 hours ago and Juliet just couldn't go on. And while shaving Sam's head was the way to go, I have to admit that when he came back downstairs I had to leave the room so that he wouldn't see me cry. He looked like a boy who was just released from a concentration camp... and it just broke my heart. My beautiful Sam, (although still beautiful)... looked horrible (way more so than in this pic). I couldn't handle it, and I didn't want him to know that. I was so upset that we had to do that because of these f*%!ING bugs!!!!!
Sam could care less. He likes his hair... or so he says. And obviously I never let on that I didn't. After returning to school today for the first time he came home & told me that his teacher & all his friends were stunned... and of you ask him he'll tell you that all his friends like his hair (phew). But to make matters worse (for me), he said that one girl on his bus said "yuck". Although it didn't phase him, it was very hard for me to hear.
As for poor Juliet... well I've spent at least 4 hours of each day under intense light picking nits out of her hair. A couple of hours or so first thing in the morning & another couple of hours before bed.
As of yesterday I was still finding live ones amongst the many, many nits so she had another treatment last night before bed. Although I've picked 20+ nits out today I haven't found any live ones so I think it's safe to say they are all dead. But until all the nits are gone we're not in the clear. All it takes is one missed nit to hatch & lay more eggs.
I seem to be in the clear though. Although we did find 3 lice in my hair the first night... there doesn't seem to be any trace of anything else. No lice, no nits. Thank god. So why is my head still itchy??!
As for the rest... I have done at least 20 loads of laundry in the past 48 hours (& counting). The upstairs has been stripped of anything that may carry lice that are just waiting to jump back onto a head for a snack. Vacuuming has been done. The kids linens are stripped everyday and re-washed along with all clothing & towels that we use. All stuffed animals & throw pillows have spent at least an hour in the dryer. It's not done yet but it's been 2 full days now and I think I can actually say we've got it under control. I can only hope that this means the end is in sight. If not... kill me. Or give me a cold sore... I'll trade lice for that.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Halloween in the stix
Yes... Halloween has come & gone. I've been editing photos galore and am finally ready to share our adventure!
This year the costumes were planned as follows: Juliet, mermaid. Sam, Pirate. So I made Juliet a mermaid costume (which was my first ever attempt at using a sewing machine) which turned out a little something like this...
Yes... Halloween has come & gone. I've been editing photos galore and am finally ready to share our adventure!
This year the costumes were planned as follows: Juliet, mermaid. Sam, Pirate. So I made Juliet a mermaid costume (which was my first ever attempt at using a sewing machine) which turned out a little something like this...
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Baby Names?
Naturally, I am constantly changing my mind about what I would like to name our baby girl. I was certain she would be Josephine but now I'm not sure if that's even on the list. I've gone through various websites to gain inspiration and have come up with a few names that I like:
I know these will change a million times over. I really like Sofie, but I keep searching & adding to the list anyway. I will probably have to see her to pick the final name... which means she may remain nameless for weeks like Juliet was.
A site I visited today provided a link to a page of celebrity baby names. That is the inspiration for this post. Here is a list of actual celebrity baby names. They don't include last names. It's shocking.
Audio Science
Little Pixie
Peaches Honeyblossom
Mirabella Bunny
Poet Sienna Rose
Antonio Kamakanaalohamaikalani Harvey
Bluebell Madonna
Java Jumala
Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily
Moxie Crimefighter
Daisy Boo
Petal Blossom Rainbow
Poppy Honey
Sistine Rose
Sonnet Noel
True Isabella Summer
Tu Simone
Bandit Lee (for a girl!)
Pilot Inspektor
Bear Blu
Diva Muffin
Moon Unit
Seven Sirius
Diesel Dean
Speck Wildhorse
Seriously? Some of these names are okay alone... but paired up as they have been they're horrifying. There were a lot more, but these are the ones that stood out the most. For the full list of celebrity baby names click here.
I know these will change a million times over. I really like Sofie, but I keep searching & adding to the list anyway. I will probably have to see her to pick the final name... which means she may remain nameless for weeks like Juliet was.
A site I visited today provided a link to a page of celebrity baby names. That is the inspiration for this post. Here is a list of actual celebrity baby names. They don't include last names. It's shocking.
Audio Science
Little Pixie
Peaches Honeyblossom
Mirabella Bunny
Poet Sienna Rose
Antonio Kamakanaalohamaikalani Harvey
Bluebell Madonna
Java Jumala
Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily
Moxie Crimefighter
Daisy Boo
Petal Blossom Rainbow
Poppy Honey
Sistine Rose
Sonnet Noel
True Isabella Summer
Tu Simone
Bandit Lee (for a girl!)
Pilot Inspektor
Bear Blu
Diva Muffin
Moon Unit
Seven Sirius
Diesel Dean
Speck Wildhorse
Seriously? Some of these names are okay alone... but paired up as they have been they're horrifying. There were a lot more, but these are the ones that stood out the most. For the full list of celebrity baby names click here.
Monday, October 17, 2011
A little bla bla bla...
Hello. It's been a while since my last post. Although I've been up to a few things here & there I've really actually been up to nothing. At least nothing worth blogging about. I did go back to yoga which was interesting. It's amazing how much your uterus gets in the way with a baby in it. That and boobs. Shoulder stand now is nothing but a couple of boobs in my face followed by a large belly. And I've resorted to doing headstands up against the wall to accommodate for the shift in my centre of gravity. It still all feels great though and I wish I had more energy & motivation to go more. Lazy ass.
I've got various projects going on that I intend to blog about... I just want to wait until they're done. Namely:
1. Halloween costumes
2. Tearing down the back deck to create a new hot tub oasis
3. Making lights/lamps out of mason jars & brainstorming ideas for a new hanging light in the dining room
4. Kitchen renos
Stay tuned.
I've got various projects going on that I intend to blog about... I just want to wait until they're done. Namely:
1. Halloween costumes
2. Tearing down the back deck to create a new hot tub oasis
3. Making lights/lamps out of mason jars & brainstorming ideas for a new hanging light in the dining room
4. Kitchen renos
Stay tuned.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
My Cirque du Soleil Immortal World Tour Review
About a year ago (or more) I excitedly bought tickets to the Cirque du Soleil's "Michael Jackson Immortal World Tour." Last night was the show. I had anxiously been waiting for this for over a year. My husband & I are avid Cirque lovers and me being a HUGE MJ fan couldn't have brought a more spectacular event... or so I thought. I am so disappointed... I feel ripped off. Betrayed. Devastated.
The Show had such potential. First of all it's the Cirque du Soleil... need I say more? As far as I'm concerned, the most incredible performers of all time. And then there's the $60 million dollar price tag that backs the show. This should have been more than enough to blow minds. At $175+ per ticket I expected to be ooohed and aaahed for a constant 2 hours. Now I can overlook the fact that some of the light suits didn't light up... so all we could see was the faint outline of a dancer in the darkness. Or dancers out of step, slipping, or getting their shoes caught. I can't overlook a stage full of crew members trying to push the Neverland gates together in the middle of the first act. Or crew holding up wires in the middle of a fully lit stage to allow for stage components to move around. The MAIN component of the set, the huge tree in the middle of the stage, was completely omitted from the show due to the fact that it wouldn't even descend from the rafters! I wondered why it looked like the tree was supposed to be a part of the show but wasn't. In fact, numerous acts, including Thriller, were supposed to be performed ON the tree. I can't help but wonder... what else did we miss??
Of course, the acrobatics in the show were incredible. Flawless. The performance to SCREAM was by far the best of the night. The dancers were in sync to one-hundredth of a second. Incredible. The flexibility of the pole dancer & book creature was insane... a beauty to watch. The trapeze/rope act... wonderful. The rings in the dark... fascinating. As for the rest... I've seen better dancing on So You Think You Can Dance.
So... would I pay to see it again? No... but then I think yes because I think we were cheated. I've written to the Cirque via their website and can only hope that they will respond. It would be nice if they would send us to the show so that we can experience what it is truly supposed to be. Pairing together the Cirque du Soleil and the king of pop should fall NOTHING short of spectacular.
What we saw (my photos):
What we should have seen... (photos courtesy of the internet)
The Show had such potential. First of all it's the Cirque du Soleil... need I say more? As far as I'm concerned, the most incredible performers of all time. And then there's the $60 million dollar price tag that backs the show. This should have been more than enough to blow minds. At $175+ per ticket I expected to be ooohed and aaahed for a constant 2 hours. Now I can overlook the fact that some of the light suits didn't light up... so all we could see was the faint outline of a dancer in the darkness. Or dancers out of step, slipping, or getting their shoes caught. I can't overlook a stage full of crew members trying to push the Neverland gates together in the middle of the first act. Or crew holding up wires in the middle of a fully lit stage to allow for stage components to move around. The MAIN component of the set, the huge tree in the middle of the stage, was completely omitted from the show due to the fact that it wouldn't even descend from the rafters! I wondered why it looked like the tree was supposed to be a part of the show but wasn't. In fact, numerous acts, including Thriller, were supposed to be performed ON the tree. I can't help but wonder... what else did we miss??
Of course, the acrobatics in the show were incredible. Flawless. The performance to SCREAM was by far the best of the night. The dancers were in sync to one-hundredth of a second. Incredible. The flexibility of the pole dancer & book creature was insane... a beauty to watch. The trapeze/rope act... wonderful. The rings in the dark... fascinating. As for the rest... I've seen better dancing on So You Think You Can Dance.
So... would I pay to see it again? No... but then I think yes because I think we were cheated. I've written to the Cirque via their website and can only hope that they will respond. It would be nice if they would send us to the show so that we can experience what it is truly supposed to be. Pairing together the Cirque du Soleil and the king of pop should fall NOTHING short of spectacular.
What we saw (my photos):
What we should have seen... (photos courtesy of the internet)
Thursday, October 6, 2011
21 weeks
Yep. I'm over the 'hump'. Only 19 more weeks to go. So I thought I would try and take some belly pictures. I was really into it during my first 2 pregnancies... and I took some nice photos. This time.... not so much. I decided that I would try taking photos of me doing yoga poses. Why that seemed like such a good idea I will never know. Talk about un-flattering. Maybe my belly just isn't big enough yet. I just look large. Anyway... I played with a few and decided that I'd share a couple with you. The first one is the fish. It doesn't do much in the way of showing off my belly... but it's kinda cool.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Double Occupancy
Sometimes sitting around the house doing nothing can be REALLY boring... who would've thought? On Sunday I was particularly bored and decided I needed a project. I thrive on projects... especially those that involve re-arranging/re-designing my house. Thus, the December planned move of Sam into Juliet's room became the October move of Sam into Juliet's room.... or should I say closet. Sam's tiny room will become the baby's room... and so the 2 older monsters now share a room. I removed all signs of what was Juliet's closet (except for the white closet walls) and used the space for Sam's private corner. It was a success & the kids are thrilled. The painting, however, is still scheduled for December when my mom comes back from Colombia. You'll get after pictures then. Hey... I wanted a fun project not a laborious one.
Monday, October 3, 2011
The Vancouver Post
I'm back from my 5-day hiatus in Van-c. I spent the week there (sans enfants) visiting my dad & brother's fam. It was fabulous.
My dad had a simple surgery last Tuesday and decided last minute that he wanted someone there in the event he needed some extra care... so he flew me out west. Ironically, the surgery couldn't have gone any better and there was no recovery so we had a nice visit.... well, as nice as 5 days with my father could go... laugh out loud. There are various idiosyncrasies when it comes to visiting my dad. Such as, I was happy to find a box of honey nut cheerios when I woke up craving cereal, but was less than thrilled to find out that it was left over from our visit last summer (yes.. 2010). That's the thing about my dad's... you can never be too sure about how long something has been sitting around. If it doesn't show signs of aging, it ain't goin' nowhere.
My dad had a simple surgery last Tuesday and decided last minute that he wanted someone there in the event he needed some extra care... so he flew me out west. Ironically, the surgery couldn't have gone any better and there was no recovery so we had a nice visit.... well, as nice as 5 days with my father could go... laugh out loud. There are various idiosyncrasies when it comes to visiting my dad. Such as, I was happy to find a box of honey nut cheerios when I woke up craving cereal, but was less than thrilled to find out that it was left over from our visit last summer (yes.. 2010). That's the thing about my dad's... you can never be too sure about how long something has been sitting around. If it doesn't show signs of aging, it ain't goin' nowhere.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Prima Ballerina
The other night we had the pleasure of watching an original Juliet ballet performance. It was marvelous. Here is a clip from the performance. For the full 4 minute version click here.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
The Pretend Birthday

Friday, September 23, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
We had an ultrasound yesterday. It was fabulous. I've never felt so connected by an ultrasound as I did yesterday. She is beautiful. Yes... another girl. It was like I could see her... right there in my stomach. She didn't look like an image... she looked like a baby. My baby... all 8 ounces of her. She was so busy kicking. I could see her little body in it's entirety, and how she was perfectly bundled up inside. I saw her bum... it was perfect. I am so excited.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Holy Weekend Batman
It's no wonder I have a headache. Although I feel like I did a lot of nothing this weekend... my body (& the back yard) say otherwise. My tolerance for my children is dwindling. It must be Sunday night.
Sam is on a bender of not listening. It's almost less tolerable then a 2 year old. A few days ago (Thursday I think) he lost his "cool computer games" privilege because he wouldn't get up in the morning & get dressed for school after numerous requests. I told him he needed 5 stickers before he could have it back... and would get a sticker every time he listened the FIRST time. He has yet to get a sticker. AND... yesterday after being sent to his room he told me he hated me (a first) and that he was going to eat candy whenever he wanted to. Apparently for a 6 year old that is a threat.
It wasn't all bad. I played in the back yard like I said I would and for the first little while the kids were a big help. We moved a HUGE pile of logs, complete with wood-eating ants, slugs, millipedes, worms and spiders. The best part was when I carried a log all the way across the yard with a palm sized spider on it, only to notice it when I put the log down and he scurried off. Awesome.
Sam is on a bender of not listening. It's almost less tolerable then a 2 year old. A few days ago (Thursday I think) he lost his "cool computer games" privilege because he wouldn't get up in the morning & get dressed for school after numerous requests. I told him he needed 5 stickers before he could have it back... and would get a sticker every time he listened the FIRST time. He has yet to get a sticker. AND... yesterday after being sent to his room he told me he hated me (a first) and that he was going to eat candy whenever he wanted to. Apparently for a 6 year old that is a threat.
It wasn't all bad. I played in the back yard like I said I would and for the first little while the kids were a big help. We moved a HUGE pile of logs, complete with wood-eating ants, slugs, millipedes, worms and spiders. The best part was when I carried a log all the way across the yard with a palm sized spider on it, only to notice it when I put the log down and he scurried off. Awesome.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
And So It Begins...

Project #2 was the front garden. It's something I've struggled with since we moved in. I hated it.. so I decided finally that I was going to just dig the whole damn thing up & re-do it. Yesterday was that day...

I think we did a fabulous job. Now I just have to tackle the back yard and hope I'm as successful.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
what is this cow saying to you??
This is a photo that was taken this summer at a fair by Roxanne Ross. Have you ever seen a cow with such expression?? Rox and I have our own ideas of what this cow is thinking but I'd like to know what the cow is saying to you. Post your ideas in the comments section for a good laugh....
Monday, September 12, 2011

So our oldest kids are exactly 4 weeks apart, both turning six this year. This weekend was Lyric's 6th birthday party. I'll let the pics do most of the talking. Who said you can't have a pony in the city?
Friday, September 9, 2011
Pigs on Wheels
Driving along the highway today we passed 2 transporters full of pigs. Looked a little something like this ---------------->
"Sam, Juliet look, there's pigs in that truck"
SAM: "They're on their way to the farm!"
I almost didn't have the heart... but reality's reality.
"No... I think they're on the way to get turned into bacon"
SAM: "Who kills them?"
SAM: "How?"
"I don't know... with a knife"
JULIET: "That's because they were bad pigs."
"Sam, Juliet look, there's pigs in that truck"
SAM: "They're on their way to the farm!"
I almost didn't have the heart... but reality's reality.
"No... I think they're on the way to get turned into bacon"
SAM: "Who kills them?"
SAM: "How?"
"I don't know... with a knife"
JULIET: "That's because they were bad pigs."
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Walking the Dog
I had nothing but good intentions this morning. I put the kids on the bus and decided that because it wasn't hot nor raining, I would take Dallas for a walk. When I quit my job one of the things I told myself was that I would walk the dog more... and I haven't exactly been doing that. But it's been hot & muggy out and I hate walking in that heat. So hopefully I will get in a lot more dog walks this fall.
At the sight of his collar & leash Dallas is ecstatic. I donned a pair of shoes that would inevitably give me blisters (why I don't choose a pair that I know won't give me blisters is beyond me) and off we went. I decided that I would walk up to the conservation area where I could let him run off leash and no one would bother me. I must admit, that even if the chances are slim to none, the very thought of walking through the woods or in a fairly deserted place like the conservation area automatically triggers the thought of being attacked by some crazy (thanks, no doubt, to too much TV). I've always felt that these areas are perfect for attacks & body dumps. I guess that applies mostly to those who live in crime ridden areas and thankfully my city is considered one of the safest in the country. In spite of this the thought still crosses my mind but I only think about it... not worry. After all, I do have my ferocious pit bull to protect me. I love to walk in the peacefulness of the forest & wildlife, even if I have these thoughts and even if the sign at the entry to the path says "All dogs must be kept on a leash" and "If you see a crime call 911". What kind of crimes do you see in the woods other than attacks & body dumps?? A+ for positive reinforcement.
We marched along side the road looking for a break in the fence so we could enter the area. Usually these breaks in the fence are accompanied by pathways into the conservation area, however the break we found didn't seem to have a path leading anywhere. I knew there was a big path parallel to the road so I decided that if we walked into the bush a little bit we'd probably stumble across another path that would link us to it. Wishful thinking. There was no path. Even my dog looked up at me like "where the hell are we going? I can't run in this."
At the sight of his collar & leash Dallas is ecstatic. I donned a pair of shoes that would inevitably give me blisters (why I don't choose a pair that I know won't give me blisters is beyond me) and off we went. I decided that I would walk up to the conservation area where I could let him run off leash and no one would bother me. I must admit, that even if the chances are slim to none, the very thought of walking through the woods or in a fairly deserted place like the conservation area automatically triggers the thought of being attacked by some crazy (thanks, no doubt, to too much TV). I've always felt that these areas are perfect for attacks & body dumps. I guess that applies mostly to those who live in crime ridden areas and thankfully my city is considered one of the safest in the country. In spite of this the thought still crosses my mind but I only think about it... not worry. After all, I do have my ferocious pit bull to protect me. I love to walk in the peacefulness of the forest & wildlife, even if I have these thoughts and even if the sign at the entry to the path says "All dogs must be kept on a leash" and "If you see a crime call 911". What kind of crimes do you see in the woods other than attacks & body dumps?? A+ for positive reinforcement.
We marched along side the road looking for a break in the fence so we could enter the area. Usually these breaks in the fence are accompanied by pathways into the conservation area, however the break we found didn't seem to have a path leading anywhere. I knew there was a big path parallel to the road so I decided that if we walked into the bush a little bit we'd probably stumble across another path that would link us to it. Wishful thinking. There was no path. Even my dog looked up at me like "where the hell are we going? I can't run in this."
Monday, September 5, 2011
Vintage Cars Through My Lens... A Photographic Adventure.
As some of you may know, photography is a passion of mine & I LOVE taking photos of vintage cars. So tonight as I watched Rango with my kids for the 3rd time in 24 hours I decided that I would multi-task and play with some of the photos I took this summer at a car show in Prescott, ON. I was there for a good couple of hours and could have easily been there longer if we weren't with the kids. Here are some of my faves...
The 16 Week Rant
Because I am going through such a wonderful period in my life right now I thought that I should share my joy with everyone. Let's start with a little trivia.
Pregnancy is....
A) A miracle
B) An amazing journey & experience where one human creates another
C) A never ending battle of emotions & hormones, severe fatigue, loss of energy, painful bloating, constant heartburn & continuous weight gain.
I pick C. If I'm not so tired that even relaxing is draining, my bowels are pinching my nerves from the inside, my stomach acids are burning away at my esophagus, or my painfully bloated stomach needs its own support system. Oh joy.
Pregnancy is....
A) A miracle
B) An amazing journey & experience where one human creates another
C) A never ending battle of emotions & hormones, severe fatigue, loss of energy, painful bloating, constant heartburn & continuous weight gain.
I pick C. If I'm not so tired that even relaxing is draining, my bowels are pinching my nerves from the inside, my stomach acids are burning away at my esophagus, or my painfully bloated stomach needs its own support system. Oh joy.
Friday, September 2, 2011
So we made it through the first week of school. It was smooth sailing. Juliet is ecstatic about going to & from school on the bus... I think it makes her feel like a big girl. Way cool.
Today she brought home some of her first maternelle pieces of art.
Samuel came home with a notice "Manquement aux règles de la tenue vestimentaire". Apparently his brand new school shoes that I bought him aren't all black so it's a breach of the code. Seriously?
They are entirely black, except for the soles & the gray lines that form the chic plaid style are greatly exaggerated in this photo... they aren't nearly as bright. Ridiculous.
Today she brought home some of her first maternelle pieces of art.
Samuel came home with a notice "Manquement aux règles de la tenue vestimentaire". Apparently his brand new school shoes that I bought him aren't all black so it's a breach of the code. Seriously?
They are entirely black, except for the soles & the gray lines that form the chic plaid style are greatly exaggerated in this photo... they aren't nearly as bright. Ridiculous.
The Emergency Room... An Embarassing Adventure?
So it's five past 8. Kids are on the bus (I so love that!). I've been up since 4. Why? Well first of all because Sam woke me up wanting to get into bed with me. Second of all, because I then began having wicked, wicked stomach cramps and couldn't get back to sleep. I could barely move. The pain was in the "lower left quadrant" of my abdomen and it was debilitating. I couldn't really find any position that felt good or made it go away... and when I got up to go to the bathroom I got hot flashes & felt like I was going to throw up or pass right out. I thought at first it must be gas pains but then I was like... since when do gas pains make you want to pass out? And the area was concentrated to one specific spot... so it was weird. I had a gut feeling that everything was okay with the baby and that perhaps this had nothing to do with that but I was a bit worried nonetheless and kept checking for signs of a problem. There were no such signs other than the severe pain and nothing seemed to be making it go away. Yes, I even passed gas, but nothing seemed to help.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Back to School!
So today was the big day. Although Sam went off to grade 1 on Monday, Juliet started maternelle (kindergarten) today. We were up bright & early & Juliet dressed herself in her uniform. We ate breakfast and packed her sac-a-dos with all the necessities... lunch, glucometrer, a change of clothes and sparkly black shoes.
Yay team!!
As for me on my first day as the parent of 2 school-agers... I read my book, fell asleep, had a late breakfast, gathered up enough energy to go to the store, came home & ate a tub of Haagen Dazs.
Mmmmmmm... Haagen Dazs.
As for me on my first day as the parent of 2 school-agers... I read my book, fell asleep, had a late breakfast, gathered up enough energy to go to the store, came home & ate a tub of Haagen Dazs.
Mmmmmmm... Haagen Dazs.
Monday, August 29, 2011
My Crazies
Nothing much to report on. Sam started grade 1 today but I'm going to save the big "back to school" post for when Juliet starts on Thursday & they both get on the bus. For now I thought I'd just share a couple of pictures from our vacation that didn't make it to the collages... but are priceless nonetheless.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Subway Poo
WARNING: This post may be offensive to some readers. It is about poo.
So when does pooing stop being a totally normal and everyday thing and start becoming something you don't talk about or try not to do in public?
Childhood innocence rocks. Yesterday we were at Subway for a quick supper before swimming lessons when Sam was hit with the urge. It's always an emergency. So I sent him into the ladies bathroom and locked the door so he could do his business. Some people can't poo in public bathrooms. Some people won't. Six year olds don't care because there is no stigma attached to pooing at that age. They will poo anywhere, anytime, and don't care who knows or hears them farting into the toilet bowl. Although we all know it's a normal part of life, for them it really is just a normal part of life. Like having a drink when you're thirsty.
Five or so minutes later Sam emerges from the bathroom informing me that the toilet didn't flush and it was broken. Now at this point anyone other than a small child would walk quickly out of the restaurant with their head down hoping that no one saw them coming out of the bathroom. Am I right? Sam, on the other hand, told and showed a Subway employee walking towards the bathrooms that the toilet was broken. So basically he invited the poor guy into the ladies bathroom to look at the toilet full of his poo, tell him it didn't flush and that it was broken. Now... correct me if I'm wrong, but no teenager or adult would invite an restaurant employee into the bathroom to point out the broken toilet full of the poo they just passed. It would be discreetly ignored and someone, an employee or someone NOT responsible for the poo, would eventually notice the problem and fix it or have it fixed. Right?
I thought about laughing and saying 'sorry man' to the employee... but then I though nah... forget it. We sat & finished our supper while another employee emerged from the back with an "out of order" sign for the bathroom door. HA! That's why childhood innocence rocks.
So when does pooing stop being a totally normal and everyday thing and start becoming something you don't talk about or try not to do in public?
Childhood innocence rocks. Yesterday we were at Subway for a quick supper before swimming lessons when Sam was hit with the urge. It's always an emergency. So I sent him into the ladies bathroom and locked the door so he could do his business. Some people can't poo in public bathrooms. Some people won't. Six year olds don't care because there is no stigma attached to pooing at that age. They will poo anywhere, anytime, and don't care who knows or hears them farting into the toilet bowl. Although we all know it's a normal part of life, for them it really is just a normal part of life. Like having a drink when you're thirsty.
Five or so minutes later Sam emerges from the bathroom informing me that the toilet didn't flush and it was broken. Now at this point anyone other than a small child would walk quickly out of the restaurant with their head down hoping that no one saw them coming out of the bathroom. Am I right? Sam, on the other hand, told and showed a Subway employee walking towards the bathrooms that the toilet was broken. So basically he invited the poor guy into the ladies bathroom to look at the toilet full of his poo, tell him it didn't flush and that it was broken. Now... correct me if I'm wrong, but no teenager or adult would invite an restaurant employee into the bathroom to point out the broken toilet full of the poo they just passed. It would be discreetly ignored and someone, an employee or someone NOT responsible for the poo, would eventually notice the problem and fix it or have it fixed. Right?
I thought about laughing and saying 'sorry man' to the employee... but then I though nah... forget it. We sat & finished our supper while another employee emerged from the back with an "out of order" sign for the bathroom door. HA! That's why childhood innocence rocks.
Adventures in Hairstyling
So off I went to the hairdresser today. I am notorious for taking big risks when it comes to my hair and today was no less risky. The mission... leopard print. The result...
SUCCESS!! Both my hairdresser & I were very impressed with how it turned out. It was a first for both of us. The picture isn't all that great and you really can't see the shape of the leopard strip at all... but it lines up perfectly with the mohawk. The strip ends with 2 more rosettes before the black so it's hard to see them in this picture... so it looks more like a blob. It's pretty freakin' cool.
SUCCESS!! Both my hairdresser & I were very impressed with how it turned out. It was a first for both of us. The picture isn't all that great and you really can't see the shape of the leopard strip at all... but it lines up perfectly with the mohawk. The strip ends with 2 more rosettes before the black so it's hard to see them in this picture... so it looks more like a blob. It's pretty freakin' cool.
It seems as though in madness that was my Sunday afternoon trying to put together photos of our trip, I may have left out a few. Now I wouldn't want to disappoint my band of followers and jeopardize the success of my blog so here they are...
I have also had numerous emails requesting a photo of our new couch. Well, I've had one. But I'd like to think that numerous people are reading my blog and simply choosing not to comment or follow or to let me know in any way shape or form that they enjoy it. Hello? Are you there?
I have also had numerous emails requesting a photo of our new couch. Well, I've had one. But I'd like to think that numerous people are reading my blog and simply choosing not to comment or follow or to let me know in any way shape or form that they enjoy it. Hello? Are you there?
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